NAR HPR Level 2 Certification Practice Exam
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Question A3
What is the maximum launch weight allowable for a rocket which does not require a FAA Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA)?
A. 4.4 ounces (125 grams)
B. 3.3 pounds (1500 grams)
C. 4 ounces (113 grams)
D. 1 pound (453 grams)
Question A5
Which of the following is a requirement for High Power Rocket Motor User Certification [Note: Excludes NAR Jr. HPR Participation Program]:
A. A citizen of the United States of America
B. The ability to understand written English instructions
C. No felony convictions
D. A minimum of 18 years of age
Question A9
Which of the following characteristics does NOT meet the definition of a High Power Rocket Motor?
A. The motor uses a "composite" propellant
B. Average thrust greater than 80 Newtons
C. Total impulse is more than 160 Newton-seconds
D. Propellant weight greater than 125 grams
Question A10
Which of the following is (are) true of a complex high power rocket per NFPA 1127?
A. The rocket is multi-staged or propelled by a cluster of rocket motors
B. The rocket contains electrical or electronic devices intended for control of the rockets functions, e.g. staging, recovery initiation
C. The rocket uses other than parachute or streamer recovery, e.g. helicopter or glide recovery
D. Both "A" and "B" above
Question A13
Which of the following statements is always true concerning the definition of a hybrid rocket motor?
A. The fuel component is composed of either paper or plastic
B. The fuel is in a different physical state (solid, liquid, or gaseous) than the oxidizer
C. The oxidizer component is nitrous oxide
D. Both "A" and "C" above.
Question A14
You're attending a launch that has a thin (but see-through) cloud layer at ~3,000 feet and clear blue skies above it. Is it okay to "punch" through this cloud layer with a High Power Rocket if there's a Certificate of Waiver or Authorization (COA) granting Class 2 flights up to 6,000 feet?
A. Yes, since there is an active COA, High Power Rockets can be flown up to the 6,000 foot altitude limit
B. No, flights into any clouds are prohibited unless specifically waived by the FAA
C. Yes, as long as the cloud layer can barely be seen through and the RSO allows it
D. Both "A" and "C" above
Question A17
Which of the following (hypothetical) rocket motors is NOT a High Power Rocket Motor?
A. An F90 with 40 grams of propellant
B. An H60 with 62 grams of propellant
C. A G35 with 66 grams of propellant
D. All of the above are High Power Rocket Motors
Question A18
What information does FAA FAR 101.29(a) require you to provide when filing for FAA Launch Authorization?
A. Estimated number of rockets and type of propulsion (liquid or solid), fuel(s) and oxidizer(s)
B. Description of the launcher(s) planned to be used, including any airborne platform(s) and description of recovery system
C. Highest altitude, above ground level, expected to be reached, launch site latitude, longitude, and elevation, and any additional safety procedures that will be followed
D. All of the above
Question A20
According to NFPA 1127, a High Power Rocket shall only be launched if:
A. It contains any combination of motors having 40,960 Newton-secondsof total impulse or less
B. It contains a recovery system that is designed to return all parts to the ground intact and at a landing speed which the rocket does not present a hazard
C. It utilizes an electronically actuated recovery system as either a primary or backup deployment method if the installed total impulse is greater than 2560 Newton-seconds
D. All of the above
Question A22
According to NFPA 1127, the definition of a High Power Rocket is a rocket vehicle that:
A. Is propelled by one or more High Power Rocket motors
B. Is propelled by a combination of model rocket motors having an installed total impulse of more than 320 Newton-seconds or a combination of model rocket motors having more than a total of 125 grams (4.4 ounces) of propellant weight
C. Weighs more than 1500 grams (53 ounces or 3.3 pounds) with motor(s) installed
D. All of the above
Question B1
What does the "H" in the motor designation H100-5 stand for?
A. It indicates the total power range or impulse range of the rocket motor
B. It indicates the total thrust of the rocket motor
C. It is the first letter in the manufacturer's name
D. It indicates that the motor uses black powder as a propellant
Question B2
What does the "100" in the motor designation H100-5 stand for?
A. It is the manufacturer's retail price code
B. It is the peak thrust in pounds of the rocket motor
C. It is the average thrust in Newtons of the rocket motor
D. It is the rocket motor burn time in seconds
Question B4
What are the units of measurement for the "100" in the motor designation H100-5?
A. Newton-seconds
B. Newtons
C. feet per second
D. Newtons per second
Question C5
The FAA has granted a waiver for high power rocket flight to 18000 feet for your event. Flights up to that altitude are expected. What is the minimum launch site dimension?
A. 9000 feet
B. 18,000 feet
C. 4500 feet
D. 1800 feet
Question C6
The FAA has granted a waiver for high power rocket flight to 2500 feet for your 2xN clusterpowered rocket. What are the minimum launch site dimensions?
A. 500 feet
B. 1250 feet
C. 1500 feet
D. 4000 feet
Question C7
Except as provided in NFPA 1127 Paragraph 4.14.2(3), in no case shall the minimum launch site dimension be less than __________ the estimated altitude of the high power rocket or __________.
A. 1/2, 1500 feet
B. 1/4, 2500 feet
C. 1/4, 1500 feet
D. 1/2, 2500 feet
Question C10
A farm owner offers you his farm for a launch site. His house is located in the middle of the farm, which is one quarter (1/4) mile by one quarter (1/4) mile square. Assuming you can get an FAA waiver for 2500 feet, can you conduct a high power launch from this farm?
A. B) Yes, but the pads have to be the minimum personnel distance from the edge of the field.
B. A) Yes
C. D) No
D. C) Yes, but the house has to be empty
Question C11
What is the minimum safe distance from a high power rocket containing a single "I" motor?
A. 200 feet
B. 50 feet
C. 75 feet
D. 100 feet
Question C14
Which of the following igniters may be ignited by the continuity test of some launch controllers?
A. Nichrome wire
B. Flashbulbs
C. Very low current electric matches
D. Both "B" and "C" above
Question C18
When should igniters installed in rocket motors be checked for continuity?
A. Only on the launch pad when ready for launch
B. Only in an enclosed shelter
C. Any time
D. Igniters should never be checked for continuity while installed in a rocket motor
Question C24
A small hole is typically recommended near the top, but below the nosecone or payload section shoulder, of a high power rocket's booster section. Why?
A. The hole allows easy verification that a parachute is installed
B. The hole is used to give air pressure readings for on board altimeters prematurely separating the model
C. This hole allows excessive ejection charge pressures to vent to reduce shock cord stress
D. The hole vents internal air pressure as the rocket gains altitude to prevent internal air pressure from prematurely separating the model
Question C26
Why should composite motors be ignited first in a mixed composite and black powder cluster?
A. Composite motors are more difficult and take longer to ignite
B. The exhaust products from black powder motors prevent composite motor ignition
C. Composite motors are more likely to "cato" than black powder motors
D. Composite rocket motors are more powerful than black powder motors
Question C27
If individual igniters are used for igniting a clustered model's motors, which of the following statements is typically true:
A. The launch control must provide higher voltage to ignite the additional igniters
B. The launch control must have an audible as well as visual indication of igniter continuity.
C. The launch control must provide additional current to ignite the additional igniters
D. The launch control must use a car battery as a power source
Question C28
What is (are) the advantages of using a "relay" type launch control?
A. It is cheaper than a non-relay launch control
B. The relay allows a better indication of igniter continuity
C. It can deliver more power to the rocket motor igniters
D. Both "B" and "C" above
Question C31
The range safety officer says that your model is unsafe to fly. Who has the authority to overturn this ruling:
A. The Launch Control Officer (LCO)
B. The safety monitor's (RSO) decision cannot be overturned by anyone
C. The individual who "checked-in" the model
D. Three certified high power fliers who agree the model is safe
Question C32
Parachute ejection systems that sense barometric pressure for activation need a vent to the outside in their compartment because:
A. This hole vents internal air pressure as the rocket gains altitude to prevent internal air pressure from prematurely separating the model
B. This hole allows excessive ejection charge pressures to vent
C. The hole is used to sample air pressure outside the rocket's airframe
D. The hole allows easy verification that the battery is installed
Question C33
Which of the following individuals has the final authority in permitting a high power rocket to fly?
A. The range safety officer (RSO)
B. The rocket owner
C. The launch control officer (LCO)
D. The check-in officer
Question C34
Which of the following individuals has the ultimate responsibility to ensure that the rocket was built in a safe manner?
A. The launch control officer (LCO)
B. The safety monitor (range safety officer or RSO)
C. The rocket owner/builder
D. All of the above
Question C36
Your rocket was returned from its flight with "zipper" damage where the shock cord tore through the model. What is the most likely cause:
A. Parachute ejection occurred too soon after motor burnout
B. Parachute ejection occurred too late after apogee
C. Parachute ejection occurred at apogee on a vertical flight
D. Both "A" and "B"
Question C37
Your payload section, with heavy payload, separated from your model immediately after motor burnout. What might be the cause?
A. The center of pressure at burnout was behind the center of gravity for the model
B. The payload shoulder was too loose in the body tube
C. The rocket motor had a failure of its delay system
D. Both "B" and "C" are correct
Question C41
What is "titanium sponge?"
A. A substitute for ejection wadding
B. A lightweight material used in nose cones on supersonic rockets
C. An effective cleaning tool for high power rocket motor casings
D. An ingredient used in some rocket motors that causes them to eject sparks in the exhaust
Question C43
According to NAR studies, the vast majority of unsuccessful flights fail because of:
A. Rocket motor malfunctions
B. Rockets that are structurally unsound
C. Recovery system failures
D. Rocket designs that are unstable
Question C50
Your field is 1500 x 1500 feet, and your FAA waiver is 3000 feet AGL. If you use parachutes sized to bring your rocket down at 20 feet per second, what is the maximum wind you can fly in for rockets that fly to the waiver altitude?
A. You can fly at 15 mph, if you have the pads at the upwind edge of the field, tilt into the wind and the rocket flies vertically
B. You are limited only by the HPR maximum wind of 20 miles per hour
C. This field can only be used in calm winds for flights to the waiver altitude
D. You can fly in winds up to about 6 miles an hour, if you have the pads at the upwind edge of the field
Question C52
According to NFPA 1127, which of the following are prohibited activities for participants prepping or launching high power rockets and for spectators in the prepping areas?
A. Consumption of alcohol
B. Use of medication that could affect judgment, movement, or stability
C. Both "A" and "B" above
D. None of the above
Question C53
According to NFPA 1127, High Power Rocket motors, motor reloading kits, and pyrotechnic modules shall be stored at least __________ away from smoking, open flames, and other sources of heat.
A. 10 feet
B. 25 feet
C. 50 feet
D. 75 feet
Question C57
Twisted wire pairs in rocket wiring are considered good practice because:
A. It reduces resistance in wire bundles
B. It improves the routing of wire bundles
C. It reduces strain on solder joints
D. It resists electromagnetic interference from internal and external sources
Question C60
Which sequence below provides the highest level of range safety when launching a rocket utilizing an onboard electronically actuated recovery system?
A. Arm recovery system electronics, install igniter, touch igniter clips together, connect clips to igniter
B. Install igniter, touch igniter clips together, connect clips to igniter, arm recovery system electronics
C. Install igniter, arm recovery system electronics, touch igniter clips together, connect clips to igniter
D. None of the above
Question D4
A rocket's center of pressure can be estimated by:
A. The "Barrowman" method
B. Finding the point where the model balances
C. "Cardboard cutout" method
D. Both "A" and "C" above
Question D6
During boost a rocket powered by a solid rocket motor tends to:
A. Become unstable
B. Become less stable in flight
C. Become more stable in flight
D. Have no change in stability
Question D8
As a rule of thumb, how far should the center of pressure be from the center of gravity?
A. The center of pressure should be at least 1.0 body tube diameters ahead of the center of gravity
B. The center of pressure should be 1.0 body tube diameters ahead of the fin leading edge; the center of gravity does not matter
C. The center of pressure should be at least 1.0 body tube diameters behind the center of gravity
D. The center of pressure should be at the same location as the center of gravity
Question E1
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
A. 1 furlong per fortnight
B. Mach 1
C. African or European?
D. c